It’s over for majority of people around February 1.  By it, I mean resolutions. They have been both broken and abandoned. I gave up on resolutions, but Billie C. introduced me to the one word method in 2013.  It comes from a book, One Word that Will Change Your Life by Jon Gordon. My first word was speak. In 2014, I was a timid person. This word really transformed my life. I recognized the power of words and the power of my voice. It put me on the path to become a speaker and author.

Since then, my words have included grow, give, rest, joy, deserve, love, and praise. My word for 2022 is provision. Everyone will have their own unique experiences of how the word manifests and what it means for them. It’s an enlightening experience and the lessons from your word seep in your soul.  This is why you don’t repeat them. I remember being upset with my first two words speak and give. This was because of my interpretation of the words at that time.  I thought “Speak, I don’t even like talking to people.”  When I received the word give, I lifted an eye in disbelief like Soulja Boy in that breakfast club clip “Give, Give, I’m a giving person. What more do you want me to give? I’m definitely a wise giver now, knowing that everyone isn’t ready to receive. This can be advice, love, or even gifts.

I have had my one word come to me in different ways. A few times, it involved water such as washing dishes, in the shower, or just sitting listening to the rain. It has come in a dream, a song that will not leave my head, and the last word showed up echoing. Sometimes, your word may be confirmed by showing up repeatedly.

After I’ve gotten my word, I’ve made a painting with it at Billie’s event. My friend gave me artwork with a collection of my words over the years. I had it placed engraved on a necklace. There are creative ways that you can make your word visible to live it out. There’s even a  Youtube playlist based on my one words. I also look up bible verses associated with my word.

I encourage others to adopt this practice as well. It’s simple, applies in several areas of life, and intentional. You don’t fail your word like you would a resolution. It unravels from January to December. One word is not broken because it mends who you are to who you’re destined to become.